Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Houdini's First Hike

The weather has been very up and down around here lately. Some days it feels amazing out and you just need to be outside, and others its so cold you don't want to go out. We took advantage of one of our early spring days by taking a little impromptu hike on Pinnacle Mountain. It was getting kinda late so we didn't have time to go all the way to the top, so we picked a different trail that went along the base of the mountain. There was quite a bit of damage done to the woods from one of ice storms this year. But with the sun setting to the side of us along a little creek it still made for a beautiful little hike. Houdini did very well. He really surprised me. He loves to meet new people so I was worried he wouldn't leave the other hikers alone, but, like always, he proved me wrong. He kept his nose to the trail the whole time and led the way!

(^^ This is what we call a "Doodle Ball" :) its just so stinkin' cute!)

I can't wait to take him out again! We want to go to Petite Jean this time. Its less of a hike and I think its prettier. Although I will say that my lungs have greatly improved since I have started doing Yoga. I used to have to take frequent breaks because I couldn't breathe and my side would hurt; I'm proud to say that we hiked a mile at a brisk pace and I didn't have to stop once! and my side didn't hurt at all! Go me!

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