Friday, February 8, 2013


I have never been one to make New Years resolutions. But I am getting older and starting to get my life ready to bring a baby into it; this will start making you realize just how much you don't have it together real quick, ha. So this year (my first year to make resolutions) I have quite a few. While looking at my long list of goals for my year I began feeling a bit overwhelmed. And then I read Natalie Creates monthly goals posts. I quickly decided that a few small monthly goals seemed lot less intimidating and would be met much easier. So, each moth I will make a few reachable goals and stick to them. I'm really not very good at holding myself accountable, but I'm hoping that posting my goals here will help me with that (maybe even a little help from you guys?).

February Goals

- Drink more water! 
I haven't drank Soda since I was about 15 years old. Water is what I drink the majority of the time. And I used to drink quite a bit of it. Lately though I've noticed that I'm not drinking quite enough .

- Make a monthly home budget
This something I have been meaning to do for a long time now, and I've started to do it a couple times but never make it past simply figuring up how much we make and spend.

- Meal Plan
To me this kinda goes hand in hand with the budgeting.

- Watch less TV
I work long hard hours waiting tables, it's waay too easy to just come home and veg out in front of the television. I'm going to make it a point to watch less boob tube and do something more productive with my time.

And that'll do it for February, I'll touch back on these goals at the end of the month with updates on progress. Anyone else have any monthly goals?  

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