Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Don't Try This at Home

So I came across this pin not too long ago that states: "If you mix 2 tablespoons of brown sugar with a cup of warm water and spray it on damp hair it will air dry straight." I mix up sweet tea at work all the time, so I know how sticky sugar water can be. However, this thought didn't cross my mind until it was too late. I had only sprayed my hair a couple of times before I thought "wait a second, I'm putting sugar in my hair?!". I decided against my better judgement and continued to spray the solution onto my hair (I know, I know, but I have very thick long hair that takes at least 20 minutes to blow dry out; I had to try an alternative). Thinking that maybe there would be some sort of reaction or something that I didn't know about that would make my hair as soft and straight as the picture posted with the pin. Boy was I wrong! My hair may have dried straight; I didn't give it the chance. Before my hair was half way dry I could tell that my fear was a reality.
My hair was turning into a sticky tangled mess. So, I put up in a clip and decided to call my hair done for the day. It took two shampoos to get all of the sugar out of my hair and I had to get Phillip to comb it out afterwards. It was a disaster. I don't know why I always decide to try something new right before work. Oh well, we live and we learn right?

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