Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Houdini's First Hike

The weather has been very up and down around here lately. Some days it feels amazing out and you just need to be outside, and others its so cold you don't want to go out. We took advantage of one of our early spring days by taking a little impromptu hike on Pinnacle Mountain. It was getting kinda late so we didn't have time to go all the way to the top, so we picked a different trail that went along the base of the mountain. There was quite a bit of damage done to the woods from one of ice storms this year. But with the sun setting to the side of us along a little creek it still made for a beautiful little hike. Houdini did very well. He really surprised me. He loves to meet new people so I was worried he wouldn't leave the other hikers alone, but, like always, he proved me wrong. He kept his nose to the trail the whole time and led the way!

(^^ This is what we call a "Doodle Ball" :) its just so stinkin' cute!)

I can't wait to take him out again! We want to go to Petite Jean this time. Its less of a hike and I think its prettier. Although I will say that my lungs have greatly improved since I have started doing Yoga. I used to have to take frequent breaks because I couldn't breathe and my side would hurt; I'm proud to say that we hiked a mile at a brisk pace and I didn't have to stop once! and my side didn't hurt at all! Go me!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Favorite Things - Brandon Flowers - Flamingo

I am absolutely in love with this album. We first got it on vinyl, and that's still how I prefer to listen to it. (Everything just seems sound better on vinyl doesn't it?) This is Brandon Flowers first solo album. He is the frontman for one of my favorite bands The Killers. I'm always kinda cautious about solo albums. I get worried that I won't like them and that it will change how I feel about a band, but I really do love Flamingo. Flowers always seems to impress me. You can tell that he really means what he sings; he always sounds like he's going to burst and I love it. As my boss, Mark, would say "It's the truth". This is the kind of album that I can listen to over and over again. I like to listen to it while I do yoga. It has it's good mix of ups and downs. I would say most songs are ballad like, but they have a good mix of that awesome synthesized Killers sound. Jilted Lovers and Broken Hearts is a really good work out song I think. It's also one my favorite songs on the album. It's really hard for me to pick one favorite. I just love them all! So if you haven't heard this album yet (or of The Killers) you should go give them a listen, and let me know what you think!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mrs. Bennett

That'll be me! I've started practicing my new name, and I must admit I like it! I love writing my name. I used to write on everything. Sometimes I would just write my name over and over a few times. I still write it on my work notepad when i get bored. (Does anyone else do this?) And I like the feel of B-E-N-N-E-T-T, it has a lovely flow to it.   
I will no longer be Kayleigh DeBlock. I won't have to correct EVERYONE'S spelling or pronunciation. It will be harder for my class mates to track me down. I will, also, no longer share a name with my family. My sister and I will no longer be known as Kayleigh and Felicia DeBlock. For some reason this one pains me. If we didn't look so much alike you wouldn't even know we are sisters. I know it won't change anything between my sis and I; but it is an end of an era. And thats always a little sad. We are growing up and starting our own little families; which will only bring us even closer together I'm sure of it.
Kayleigh DeBlock will vanish and Kayleigh Bennett will be born! I'm not saying I'm going to  reinvent myself or anything like that. But it is a fresh start, a new journey. Kayleigh Bennett will be a wife, a mother, a home maker, a teacher. I will share a last name with my best friend! (so cool). Everyone will know  that I'm Mr. Bennett's Mrs. :) I am proud to take his name, because I am proud of the man that he is and the man he will be. I could go on and on about him, but I won't do that to you guys. The wedding is only a couple months away, and it's coming up quick, and only get more and more excited :) 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Something Short and Sweet

Some people would say I'm the "bread earner" in our family. I was blessed finding a job like I enjoy that allows me to make good money. Phillip on the other hand was not so lucky. He works short hours at a pizza place where he gets treated like shit and doesn't get paid enough. As soon as he gets his paycheck he hands it to me for bills (he usually keeps at least a little bit for him). With me handling all the money it's hard for him to be able to get me gifts, let alone surprise me. Yesterday he walked in from work with a bouquet of candy in his hands; the "vase" read "Happy Valentines Day".
Since we were going to craft together this year I wasn't expecting any kind of gift. I was very pleased.
I was on the phone with him on the way to work today; and as soon as I pull in the parking lot he starts telling me about how he had wanted to send me flowers at work tonight! :) It instantly put a smile on my face and made me feel all mushy gushy. He said, "I'm sorry,I don't even know why I said that". I quickly reassured him."You thought about getting me something for days, you spent the time to call florists and come up with the money that you could. Just the fact that I was on your mind that much, the fact that you tried your hardest to get me a bouquet and you did. That's what counts."

" I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love!"

It's a very slow work night, but at least I got some pretty flowers for my hair and time to write a post!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines Day Crafts

Happy almost Valentines day everyone! 
2013 has been a tough year for us. There have been several unexpected expenses and challenges. Needless to say we are tight on money.We decided that we would make our gifts at home again this year. So we headed on down to Hobby Lobby and got our supplies. I love Hobby Lobby. We got everything we needed plus a few things for Wedding Crafts for $20. I was thinking that we would go to different rooms so that we couldn't see what the other was doing until they were done. But then I had an even better idea! I put up cardboard dividers on our kitchen table, and we worked side by side.

Phillip's Mailbox

I love to see what his mind comes up with. It's just like him to make something practical that we can use everyday. He put one note in his mailbox; and we are to use the mailbox to put our little notes that we leave for each other on a regular basis.

My Mason Jar

I took a different approach and filled his mason jar with little notes and reasons why i love him.

Did any of you guys make or receive any handmade gifts this Valentines Day?

Friday, February 8, 2013


I have never been one to make New Years resolutions. But I am getting older and starting to get my life ready to bring a baby into it; this will start making you realize just how much you don't have it together real quick, ha. So this year (my first year to make resolutions) I have quite a few. While looking at my long list of goals for my year I began feeling a bit overwhelmed. And then I read Natalie Creates monthly goals posts. I quickly decided that a few small monthly goals seemed lot less intimidating and would be met much easier. So, each moth I will make a few reachable goals and stick to them. I'm really not very good at holding myself accountable, but I'm hoping that posting my goals here will help me with that (maybe even a little help from you guys?).

February Goals

- Drink more water! 
I haven't drank Soda since I was about 15 years old. Water is what I drink the majority of the time. And I used to drink quite a bit of it. Lately though I've noticed that I'm not drinking quite enough .

- Make a monthly home budget
This something I have been meaning to do for a long time now, and I've started to do it a couple times but never make it past simply figuring up how much we make and spend.

- Meal Plan
To me this kinda goes hand in hand with the budgeting.

- Watch less TV
I work long hard hours waiting tables, it's waay too easy to just come home and veg out in front of the television. I'm going to make it a point to watch less boob tube and do something more productive with my time.

And that'll do it for February, I'll touch back on these goals at the end of the month with updates on progress. Anyone else have any monthly goals?  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I've got the virus!

I've recently started reading the Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Series. I'm a huge fan of TrueBlood, and when I got the yearning for a new exciting read I decided to go pick up the first book. I've been reading every chance I get. I just started the second book and I must admit I'm impressed. The books are pretty different from the series. For example, in the books the vampires tell the humans that they are not vampires but victim of a disease that makes them appear dead, allergic to the sun, and left with a hunger for blood. Also, Tara and Lafayette are not a big part of the books at all. I'm glad they made them part of TrueBlood (Layfayette is my favorite character). With all the differences it keeps me interested. Usually when I read a book after watching the movie I get bored because they are so similar. I'm very excited about starting this little journey; there are 15 books. I haven't quite decided on whether or not I'm going to read past where the series is (since I fell in love with TrueBlood first and I don't really want any spoilers). But I hate it when good books end, and Luckley this story won't be ending anytime soon. If your looking for good new series to pick I would definitely recommend this one. Charlaine Harris is an excellent writer. She keeps you on the edge of your seat, with the perfect mixture of the supernatural, humor, adventure and romance.