Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's a Start!

Tonight was soo GOOD! After Phillip got home we spent the evening outside enjoying the lovely weather. While he was at work I went and got the 1"x8' wooden planks we needed and as soon as we got home we went to work! He mowed the grass while I nailed the planks to the railing of our porch and strung the lights across the awning of the house using a cool lil cheat I found at, clothes pins go right into the vinyl up there. After he mowed the yard we strung the lights together; and then he built a fire while I painted the planks each a color of a rainbow. Then we ate pizza around the fire and soaked in the cool night and our lighting success before coming inside to watch some Supernatural and go to bed. This weekend has been productive and inspired: my heart is full :)

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