Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Do's and Dont's of Making Raspberry Syrup

So I went out and bought a bunch of healthy food. Of course I had to get some berries! I wanted to try that soaking them in vinegar water to make them last longer thing. So I did, only we don't have paper towels (bc I hate buying them). And the trick is to get the berries completely dry before putting them in the air tight container...well that just couldn't be done with the raspberries. I ended up with a soggy pile of berries that were already turning into mush. [Next time I will soak the strawberries and raspberries seperately and have paper towels] 


Since I already had raspberry mush I decided I'd try and make raspberry syrup for my lemonade!


So I took my raspberries and really turned them to mush with a spoon.



Next I made simple syrup with 1/2 a cup of sugar and a whole cup of hot water. Then added in the raspberry mush and stirred it all up. [Next time I will try only using a half a cup of hot water to make the syrup stronger]


And here's where it got experimental. (I suggest using a mesh strainer, this will make this process very quick for you). I on the other hand had to strain a couple different ways. All of the big chunks were floating on top so I skimmed my spoon over the top to get some of it out. Then I put a vegetable steamer over a glass and poured the mixture through which got most of the mush part out.


Then I poked holes into coffee filters and fastened them to a glass. This took forever. I ended up having to stand there and poke new and bigger holes with a straight pin because the seeds would get caught. Over all this took me about an hour haha. And I ended up with a little over a cup of Raspberry Syrup.


I also tried to make a little filter pouch, but the mush was too heavy and this ended up being very messy.


To sum it all up DON'T do it my way and DO do it with the correct tools. Either way you'll get some yummy syrup to put in your lemonade or other drinks!


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