Monday, August 5, 2013

DIY Seed Starters : Phase 2

Hello friends! I'm back with the second phase for my DIY Seed Starters. It's been roughly two weeks since I made my lil Eco Friendly seed starters; and now they're ready to plant! 

This is the easy part! Since we made the seed starters out of cardboard (which is biodegradable) we can plant them right in the ground! (Or planter) yippee! I decided to cut the cardboard even with the soil before I planted, like so:

After you've cut the excess cardboard away your ready to plant!

I also removed the tape from the bottom as I planted each one. Just dig a hole big enough to put the starter in

And then cover it up and water!

And viola! You've got a good sturdy start to growing your veggies!

Thanks for stopping by! 

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