Saturday, March 9, 2013

March Goals

Man did Feburary fly by! It was a frustrating month for us; we kinda lost track of the date and before we realized it the month was gone. However I did accomplish some of my goals. With my health in mind I drank more water and started eating more fruits and veggies. And I have to say I notice a difference. I'm not dog tired like I was feeling before. I can wake up early much easier and have been drinking less coffee. The wedding is coming up quick (less than 2 months! Eek!) so watching less tv was not a problem. And you know what? I don't miss it. I was never really a fan of TV anyway; I just got onto the habit of tuneing in and zoning out. I'm trying to be intentional with me time and getting shit done. Carpe Diem. However, I didn't have as much luck with the budget or meal planning. I wait tables so I make most of my money in cash by the day. This makes it very very hard to budget because I never know how much money I'm going to make. If there are any other servers out there with tips on how to budget I would LOVE to hear them. Phillip works day shifts and I work night shifts so we don't have a set time to eat, we just eat what we have when we get hungry; which makes meal planning hard as well. I've been trying to work out a solution to this and I think I'm getting close.

But now it's a March and it's time for some new goals! It is starting to feel really good outside and I love it.  
March Goals

- Finishing Wedding Preperations
I will finish making the decorations and planning the honeymoon, get our rings and wedding certificate and get everything paid for.

- Get a new car
My dad is giving us money for the wedding and we are going to use a bit of it to get me a new car, because I desperately need one.

- Start looking at rent houses
North Little Rock has a ban on pit bulls so we have been needing to move for quite some time now. We are going to use whatever money we have left over from the wedding to help us move to Little Rock where we can have Houdini as long as we register him with the city.

- Get Houdini more exercise 
He's been on lockdown for months now. He has already been picked up once and tattooed, so if they have to come get him again they will "humanely destroy" him (sounds awful doesnt it?). I'm terrified that someone will see him in our yard and call animal control so we keep him inside all the time. He's been hiking with us twice now and has proved himself good and I think he really enjoys it.  So we are going get him out more; I know he's been deprived of the exercise he needs.

These next two months are going to be crazy busy for us, but I know it's ALL worth it. I'll be back the first week of April to recap and state my new goals.

I'd love to hear from you guys! Feel free to comment! :)

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