Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Valentines Day Crafts

Happy almost Valentines day everyone! 
2013 has been a tough year for us. There have been several unexpected expenses and challenges. Needless to say we are tight on money.We decided that we would make our gifts at home again this year. So we headed on down to Hobby Lobby and got our supplies. I love Hobby Lobby. We got everything we needed plus a few things for Wedding Crafts for $20. I was thinking that we would go to different rooms so that we couldn't see what the other was doing until they were done. But then I had an even better idea! I put up cardboard dividers on our kitchen table, and we worked side by side.

Phillip's Mailbox

I love to see what his mind comes up with. It's just like him to make something practical that we can use everyday. He put one note in his mailbox; and we are to use the mailbox to put our little notes that we leave for each other on a regular basis.

My Mason Jar

I took a different approach and filled his mason jar with little notes and reasons why i love him.

Did any of you guys make or receive any handmade gifts this Valentines Day?

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