Thursday, February 14, 2013

Something Short and Sweet

Some people would say I'm the "bread earner" in our family. I was blessed finding a job like I enjoy that allows me to make good money. Phillip on the other hand was not so lucky. He works short hours at a pizza place where he gets treated like shit and doesn't get paid enough. As soon as he gets his paycheck he hands it to me for bills (he usually keeps at least a little bit for him). With me handling all the money it's hard for him to be able to get me gifts, let alone surprise me. Yesterday he walked in from work with a bouquet of candy in his hands; the "vase" read "Happy Valentines Day".
Since we were going to craft together this year I wasn't expecting any kind of gift. I was very pleased.
I was on the phone with him on the way to work today; and as soon as I pull in the parking lot he starts telling me about how he had wanted to send me flowers at work tonight! :) It instantly put a smile on my face and made me feel all mushy gushy. He said, "I'm sorry,I don't even know why I said that". I quickly reassured him."You thought about getting me something for days, you spent the time to call florists and come up with the money that you could. Just the fact that I was on your mind that much, the fact that you tried your hardest to get me a bouquet and you did. That's what counts."

" I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love!"

It's a very slow work night, but at least I got some pretty flowers for my hair and time to write a post!

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