Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mrs. Bennett

That'll be me! I've started practicing my new name, and I must admit I like it! I love writing my name. I used to write on everything. Sometimes I would just write my name over and over a few times. I still write it on my work notepad when i get bored. (Does anyone else do this?) And I like the feel of B-E-N-N-E-T-T, it has a lovely flow to it.   
I will no longer be Kayleigh DeBlock. I won't have to correct EVERYONE'S spelling or pronunciation. It will be harder for my class mates to track me down. I will, also, no longer share a name with my family. My sister and I will no longer be known as Kayleigh and Felicia DeBlock. For some reason this one pains me. If we didn't look so much alike you wouldn't even know we are sisters. I know it won't change anything between my sis and I; but it is an end of an era. And thats always a little sad. We are growing up and starting our own little families; which will only bring us even closer together I'm sure of it.
Kayleigh DeBlock will vanish and Kayleigh Bennett will be born! I'm not saying I'm going to  reinvent myself or anything like that. But it is a fresh start, a new journey. Kayleigh Bennett will be a wife, a mother, a home maker, a teacher. I will share a last name with my best friend! (so cool). Everyone will know  that I'm Mr. Bennett's Mrs. :) I am proud to take his name, because I am proud of the man that he is and the man he will be. I could go on and on about him, but I won't do that to you guys. The wedding is only a couple months away, and it's coming up quick, and only get more and more excited :) 


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