Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here Comes The Sun

 Oh man! The other night I stepped outside and could have sworn I caught a sniff of that sweet sweet spring air! And the past two days have been close to 70 degrees here. <3 Today I went and got some potting soil and potted some plants I've been meaning to pot; and I CAN NOT tell you how GOOOOD it felt to be barefoot outside with the sun on my back and dirt on my hands! Ahhh spring! 

This winter has been a rough one on me, I've fallen victim to life and probably seasonal affective disorder and have been somewhat depressed. But spring is coming, I can feel it in my bones. I feel like everything is waking up inside me! I WANT to clean the house and do laundry and give the dogs baths. I'm inspired and eager to create, and am just feeling all around good again. I'm day dreaming of camping and hiking trips, planting a garden and some flower beds and making our backyard and deck a cozy little outside home for us to relax in! (Because with this new house we have the perfect backyard and a nice sized back porch! Eeep!) 

So be on the look out for my garden planning and some awesome DIY/upcycling projects for my backyard! I can't wait to get started and share all the goodness with you fine folks!

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