Saturday, February 22, 2014


While I was growing up I tried so hard to find my talent. It seemed like everyone had something but me. Some people could sing, or draw, or play an instrument; and I tried them all. Drawing, painting, singing, guitar, poetry; anything I could think of. And there was never really anything that I was really good at. I got really into photography for awhile and I still very much enjoy it on a daily basis. But what I really enjoy doing, what I get completely lost in is crafting. Taking this, that and that and creating something awesome. When the inspiration hits I can spend hours working with my hands and not even realize it. So this happens quite a bit:

I start a project before work, get to working on it, look up and realize three hours have gone by and I should already been ready to leave for work.

It has taken almost 23 years but I have finally found my talent, what I'm really good at. What soothes my soul and quiets my mind. And honestly I couldn't be any happier with it.

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