Saturday, February 22, 2014


While I was growing up I tried so hard to find my talent. It seemed like everyone had something but me. Some people could sing, or draw, or play an instrument; and I tried them all. Drawing, painting, singing, guitar, poetry; anything I could think of. And there was never really anything that I was really good at. I got really into photography for awhile and I still very much enjoy it on a daily basis. But what I really enjoy doing, what I get completely lost in is crafting. Taking this, that and that and creating something awesome. When the inspiration hits I can spend hours working with my hands and not even realize it. So this happens quite a bit:

I start a project before work, get to working on it, look up and realize three hours have gone by and I should already been ready to leave for work.

It has taken almost 23 years but I have finally found my talent, what I'm really good at. What soothes my soul and quiets my mind. And honestly I couldn't be any happier with it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here Comes The Sun

 Oh man! The other night I stepped outside and could have sworn I caught a sniff of that sweet sweet spring air! And the past two days have been close to 70 degrees here. <3 Today I went and got some potting soil and potted some plants I've been meaning to pot; and I CAN NOT tell you how GOOOOD it felt to be barefoot outside with the sun on my back and dirt on my hands! Ahhh spring! 

This winter has been a rough one on me, I've fallen victim to life and probably seasonal affective disorder and have been somewhat depressed. But spring is coming, I can feel it in my bones. I feel like everything is waking up inside me! I WANT to clean the house and do laundry and give the dogs baths. I'm inspired and eager to create, and am just feeling all around good again. I'm day dreaming of camping and hiking trips, planting a garden and some flower beds and making our backyard and deck a cozy little outside home for us to relax in! (Because with this new house we have the perfect backyard and a nice sized back porch! Eeep!) 

So be on the look out for my garden planning and some awesome DIY/upcycling projects for my backyard! I can't wait to get started and share all the goodness with you fine folks!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

DIY: Boot Stretching Technique

So while shopping at Forever 21 not too long ago I found a pair of those boots, you know the perfect booties that are marked half off and there are only two left and by some miracle they happen to be in your size! Ya, those boots...well booties. I quickly snatched them up and tried them on and of course they were a little snug. But they are the perfect pair and half off, there's got to be some way I can work with that. So I got home and paraded around for a bit and found they were a bit more than a little snug. Straight to the internet I went! Where I found that rubbing Rubbing Alcohol on the insides of the boot can help stretch them out. Well we didn't have any alcohol, bummer. And I'm one of those people who like instant satisfaction so I didn't want to wait till I could get some. So I used body mist! which is pretty high in alcohol content.

This is what ya do:
 Get your boots, body mist and two pairs of socks! Now spray the mist on the spots that are tight ( I recommend doing a little at a time because once they are stretched there's no going back ) Once you've got them sprayed put on both pairs of socks and clean your house, yup you heard me work those puppies in! Look at you multi tasking! :) Every now and then you can stop and take off the second pair of socks and see how they feel and just keep working with them. 
 I stopped when they were still a little snug because once you start wearing them they will continue to stretch with regular wear. I've been wearing mine for a few weeks now and they fit perfectly!

This method can also be applied to heels and other shoes made with similar material (i.e. leather and pleather). I hope this will help you guys keep your feet cute AND comfy!