Monday, July 8, 2013

Shoo Fly Don't Bother Me! : Home Remedy

I LOVE summer, but with summer comes bugs; and bugs I don't love. Last year we battled roaches, (thankfully we lost them with the move) this year it's flies! A bit less disgusting but much much more annoying! I have tried just about everything to rid our house of these pests and I was just about to give up. I bought Basil plants because one websites suggestion, this had no effect. I tried the "tried and true" water filled ziplock bags. I put them on either side of our backdoor. And I do think that it kept a few from coming inside but didn't stop them. I made a couple traps. I saw a few websites suggest Orginal Dawn dish soap and White Vinegar in mason jars. This caught one or two house flies but was mostly disappointing. I also made one out of a plastic bottle. You cut the top of the bottle, invert it and pour apple cider vinegar inside. This did nothing for our house flies but for a week or two we also had gnats and this worked fairly well for them. If you are battling gnats I would suggest trying this trap, you can find a similar tutorial over at Cheat Day Cafe (link below). And just when I had given up hope one of my Facebook friends liked a photo of whole cloves stuck into lemons as a fly repellent. Why not try it, right?! So the next time we went to the grocery store I picked up a couple lemons and a bottle of whole cloves. And I must say I am impressed! We no longer have flies buzzing around our heads!! I don't know where they have gone (and I've had my eye out) but they aren't around these lemons! I made 3 of them. 

I placed two in the kitchen and one near our couch. And they smell soo good! I'm thinking about making up some more and putting them in a bowl on our coffee table for a little splash of summer color. They look cool, smell amazing and actually keep the flies away! Yay! 

Anyone else battling bugs this summer? What do you do to keep the peace?

You can find that tutorial here -->

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