Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Don't Try This at Home: DIY Manicure Failure

I very rarely paint my fingernails. It takes too much patience and they always chip the next day. But every now and then I get the urge to paint them and this weekend was one of those times. We were off work, so I'd get to enjoy them for at least a day AND we had just sat down to watch a movie. Since I don't paint my nails much I only have a few polishes to choose from. I wanted to use two colors and the only two I was happy using together both came from Forever 21. I wanted to add some triangles to my mani so I begun to search for masking tape, unfourtnately we didn't have any, so I grabbed the clear packing tape. Tape is tape, right? I sat down and started cutting the tape into little triangles that I could put over my fingernail after the first color coat dries and set them aside. Then I started to paint my nails, first coat goes on and I let it dry. I then apply my triangles on top of the first coat of paint and then paint over it with the other color. I was extra careful with this part and I let the triangles dry for the rest of the movie. BUT apparently I was not careful enough. I removed the tape triangles only to see that "tape isn't tape".


The packing tape was having a hard time sticking to my nails, so the polish had seeped underneath the tape ruining it all! BUMMER! I spent just under two hours on this manicure and now it's ruined!

(The red on top worked out much better)

Oh well, I'll just take it off before work....nope! Because I was using cheap nail polish (that might have been passed its prime) I used multiple layers of paint to achieve the look. I had to wear this look for a couple days. It was all quite frustrating. So if you ever decide to give yourself a manicure that requires taping off a portion of your nails do yourself a favor and use painters or masking tape; I wouldn't suggest using old cheap nail polish either!

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