Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hello Bloggers!!!

Hi there! My name is Kayleigh, I'm 24 years old. I'm a server at a locally owned bar and grill in Little Rock, Arkansas. I enjoy my job. I have been there since the first week they opened in 2010. We are a neighborhood bar. Most of the customers that come in are regulars; it's the kind of place "where everyone knows your name". After I get married this year I'm going to go back to school to become an elementary school teacher. I love animals, books, star gazing and creating. I LOVE to make things myself: cleaning supplies, home decor, food, clothes. I will admit I'm not very good at most of the list but I'm definitely learning. That's one of the main reasons I wanted to start this blog; to share/store my trials and errors. And of course to pick up a few things from you lovely people of Blogger.

Let me introduce my small family.

This is Phillip, he's 27 years old.
He's the best; he treats me like a queen.
We have been together for almost 5 years. We are getting married this April on our anniversary.

This is Mijo. He's about 13 years old.
I've had him since he was a pup. We have been best friends for quite sometime now.
He's pretty lazy these days, but he still does pirouettes for treats.

This is our little Nola girl. She's 4 years old.
Nola was the runt of one of my mom's dog's litters. I couldn't give her up.
This one is very eccentric, but she has ALL the love in the world.
(and she needs about that much)

This is Houdini. He's about 2 years old.

Houdini is the newest member of our family. We rescued him just about a full year ago now.
When we brought him home he was covered in mange,sad and starving.
You would never be able to tell now. He's a big beautiful happy baby, that never leaves my side (as you can see).

And, I think that does it for my first post. I'm looking forward to get to know some of you guys!