Friday, June 27, 2014

It's been too long!

It feels like it's been ages since I have been here. Life has been pretty crazy over here. Lots of big changes, some I know I will share, others I may depending on what direction this blog takes. I'm always thinking I need to post I need to post! So I'm here to post. I don't have much to share at the moment, my life feels a bit upside right now. I am having to leave the job I've had for the last four years. The bar that I helped build from day one, the people I have worked alongside nearly everyday. The customers that I have grown to love. These people are my family. But as for right now I at least need a break, maybe there will be a day where I will be able to return.

I've been planning on doing a post on the bar itself and my experience there (it'll probably be the next post). But until then I thought I should at least share some photos.







And that's all for now folks! But I'm really going to make it a point to spend more time in this space. I hope you join me <3